We will get to know them over the next 6 months and get to know them all really well during the 11 weeks on the road. But for now, let's introduce the team. From left to right starting with the back row:
Peter is a Canadian from Arizona who has flown to the UK with his wife Cindy for the training session. (Cindy is taking the picture - thanks Cindy!)
Chris and Susie are riding two up on a KTM (everyone else is on a BMW)
Stephan is from Switzerland and Patrick from France.
Kevin is leading the trip himself. Here he is demonstrating his navigation expertise by pointing to Beijing on the map.
Front row is:
Andy and Nigel who have ridden together on several Globebusters trips including the Trans-Americas.
Yours truly.
Mel, has toured the high Andes with Andy and Nigel and is back for more.
Missing from the picture are:
Ian who works with the police in St Albans. He should keep us on the straght and narrow. (Where were you Ian? Stepped out for smoke?).
Professor Sam from the University of Kent. He will be conducting a phisiological study on the riders during the trip.
Bradley is from Australia and isn't here for the training. We'll meet him later.
Looks like an interesting group. Should be fun!